Crystals for Spring

Crystals to help you say Spring is in the air!

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Adagio Teas

Saturday, March 20th, 2021 is the official date of the Spring Equinox. This day represents the period in which the Earth is vertical about it’s axis and the sun’s angle is equal at both the North and South Poles and the amount of daylight is the same as the amount of nighttime. And as the days go past, the Northern Hemisphere gains more daylight and gets warmer till the Summer Solstice (June 21st) when the maximum amount of daylight occurs. And in the Southern Hemisphere the opposite is true- the sun shines less in the daytime and it gets colder. Their winter is our summer.

Throughout recorded human history the Equinoxes and Solstices have marked days of intensity- in the physical and spiritual worlds. It is said energies are much higher on those days and this holds true for crystals. It is believed that crystals are more powerful during this time, and can be a perfect time for cleansing, using, or covering (ending the usage of) crystals. Some crystals also work more effectively during this time of year- the time for rebirth, growth, and opportunity. So let’s discover some of the best crystals to use during this time period.

1. Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine

Aventurine is a type of microcrystalline quartz that has a natural effect called aventurescence caused by inclusions of a mineral called fuchsite, which is a type of mica. The effect is like an internal shimmer. Aventurine is a stone of prosperity, and comes in a variety of colors including purple, blue, yellow, and red. However Green is the most common form. Green is associated with the heart chakra, and brings about feelings of warmth, love, and growth. It is also associated with luck and fortune and is perfect to use when seeking change such as landing a new job, or hoping a date goes well. Green Aventurine is also believed to help filter out electromagnetic signals. This is a great stone to use in March.

2. Moss Agate

Moss Agate

Moss agate, which is also a variety of crystalline quartz is a great spring crystal due to the beautiful patterns that resemble tendrils of moss. Another green stone, which relates to growth and the heart chakra, Green Moss agate is a stone of personality. This stone can help with the physical/emotional balance by smoothing the differences between the two sides. This aids in bringing about peace and prosperity in the wearer and can boost self confidence. As an agate, this stone can also be used as a fertility stone, which aligns with the birth and growth of spring. This stone is perfect to use for meditation, or taking a stroll to clear your mind in the crisp spring air.

3. Howlite


Howlite is a stone made of boro-silicate calcite, which makes it a somewhat porous stone that is naturally white in color with veins of silver grey. Because of this, Howlite is an easily dyed stone that unfortunately is often passed off as more expensive stones like Turquoise or Lapis. A handful of dyed stones of Howlite can be as beautiful as a field of tulips. Dyeing doesn’t change the properties. This stone is a stone of patience and calm. It can also help with insomnia and sleeplessness, which for many is a problem in the spring when the bi-annual time change occurs. It can also assist with creative expression, calming and active mind to help center it to focus on a task. This stone can help you conquer those dreaded spring cleaning projects around the house.

4. Magnesite

Fuchsia and Lapis Magnesite

Like Howlite, Magnesite is a calcite based stone that is naturally a white to cream color with veining of various shades of golds and browns. And like Howlite, Magnesite is easily dyed. This stone is perfect to use for the physical body to help renew the digestive and heart function. It can assist with muscle based issues, help relieve tension and increase general feelings of wellness. It can also assist with meditation, absorbing negative energies and promoting positive ones. Regardless of color, wear Magnesite to enhance self wellness and feelings of renewal.

Interested in some bracelets made with these beautiful crystals? Head on over to my shop Vek and Zeal to find my handcrafted jewelry, perfect for wearing any time.

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