crystals on wooden table

Crystals and their power to do beautiful things

posted in: Crystals | 12

I find crystals to be absolutely beautiful. The facets of a cut gemstone, the colors and flashes within a matrix, and the glass-like look of stones when light shines through them. A crystal can impart wonders and thoughts that spur the imagination and give rise to the wonder and magic of what could be. I also love how something so beautiful can form from the worst circumstances. High temperatures, immense pressures, toxic chemicals and elements. It reminds me that sometimes the worst things can have the best outcomes. But, it doesn’t happen instantly, it takes a lot of time to get to the end- patience is a virtue for the creation of a crystal. And patience is a virtue for the creation of YOU.

Karolina Grabowska by

Now, there are healers who use crystals to cleanse thoughts, actions, emotions, and spirits and provide benefits such as peaceful sleep, luck, happiness, love, self confidence, protection, and remove worry and bad experiences. This isn’t a new idea, crystals have been used by ancients such as Egyptians and Native Americans for thousands of years to do what today’s practitioners do- impart inherent energies in stones into actionable changes. But, this has become an industry in today’s society. So, do crystals really do what the claims say? Or is this mind over matter by putting faith in chunks of mineral compositions that don’t do anything? Maybe, both.

I look at the power of a crystal as more of an assistive, than a directive source of help. You might call it something like a pseudo-placebo effect. If you believe the crystal to possess a power, then it can impart it. The power of crystals comes from the inherent energies within them. Now it is true that crystals do have properties that can cause them to generate electric fields, or magnetic effects. But these shouldn’t be enough to register within us. But, for many they do. I visited a shop called The Crystal Fox recently and while there I held many different crystals, but two of them made me feel light headed. I made sure to stand in the same way each time, using the same hand (my dominant or “receiving” hand) and holding them the same way. Most just felt like I was holding onto a rock. But an amethyst and clear quartz both gave me this odd feeling in my brain, like blood flow had changed. I tried other stones, then came back to those same ones, and once again I felt that odd sensation. Was it just the store I was in affecting me at the exact moment I held the stone? Was I wanting a reaction? Maybe it was the stone pressing against my palm that caused a basic neural response. I don’t know. But I do know I felt something. It was amazing.

Maksim Goncharenok by

I think of crystals and their possession of powers like I do with much of the alternative healing ideals- as a supplemental tool. I still utilize the power of western medicine, but I love to add in Eastern philosophies. I won’t ever give up getting acupuncture as it has given me relief from some ailments. I use aromatherapy at night, especially when I suffer from my migraines, or I’m just feeling bleh. White noise sounds like ocean waves or trees and wind help me zone out. And crystals help me to see the power I can possess when I let them give me a mindful boost. I have amethyst and Labradorite by my bedside to help me sleep. I also use supplements prescribed by my western and eastern medicine practitioners for health and sleep. And, I use western medicine to treat my mental health issues and physical ones such as my tremors and migraines. I believe that Eastern medicine can help, but it doesn’t provide the cure for the greatest of ailments. Crystals are much a part of that line of thinking. If I had a back injury- I would use Western Medicine to do it’s best to treat the physical symptoms, but supplement with Eastern to help with pain and mental challenges. And that’s where the power of crystals can do beautiful things. They can help your mind to expand and facilitate self healing and insight.

12 Responses

  1. Tess Mia

    I LOVE crystals! I just made a dedicated meditation space and all I’m missing is the right crystals!!

    • breenkm

      Don’t worry Tess- as time goes on you will find the right ones. I love the idea of a meditation space. And don’t think a crystal must be for a specific thing- you might find a crystal that just speaks to you, even if you were looking for heart based crystals and find a crown one instead.

    • breenkm

      Thank you so much, Sharon! I’m starting my collection and how really to use them. I’m obsessed with learning about the real meanings and how they work.

  2. Mahara Wayman

    Hi there! I enjoyed your blog and especially liked that you included a link to the store. The picture was awesome also. Did you take it by chance?

    • breenkm

      I did not, but it is quite a beautiful image! I’m trying to use my own photos going forward, but a photographer I am not! Thank you for checking out my blog!

  3. Charlie

    I have a few crystals but haven’t studied to find their place in our home or really, anything about them! Maybe now by following your blog I will learn more! Blessings!

  4. Betty

    I have used crystals for many years and I still wear Aventurine and put crystals in our drinking water. Great blog and very informative. Thanks

    • breenkm

      Thank you, Betty! I love Aventurine and have recently gotten other colors in for my bracelets.

  5. Karri

    I’m very interested in learning more about crystals. Thanks for to great introduction!

    • breenkm

      Thank you, Karri! Any particular crystal you’d like to learn more about? Do you have a favorite?