Starting the Incredible Journey to Crazytown

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Crazytown. It’s a place I’m heading for. Or perhaps I am already there. I’ll get back to you on that. But, opening my own store to sell my handmade bracelets and acrylic pour paintings has me questioning my life choices. Am I insane, or just determined? And not just a shop- but also this blog, Pinterest boards, Facebook page… and more once I get this initial stuff sorted out.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

But first, I welcome you to my blog. This blog won’t just be about my shop, products, or paintings and bracelets. Yes, I will talk about those, but this blog is also going to feature lots of other topics, some of which will delve into little discussed topics like mental health, relationships, and goals. I may also discuss decluttering, hoarding, weight, trust, vacations, exciting things… who knows! It’s kind of going to be all over the map. I want to feature different and interesting content, all of which influences me in my daily life which leads to bracelets and paintings I create. 

So- how did I come about creating a store? I’ve had this plan in my head for years, but haven’t had the courage to get up and finally push forward. Maybe it’s self confidence, maybe it’s anxiety…. but whatever the reason I want to think, the truth is this: I was scared. It’s scary to put your passion before the world and hope they see beauty in it. I fear failure, being hurt, having my ideas stolen or being accused of stealing by a competitor who knows they are wrong. Fear has consumed my desire to push into this unknown world. But, I have finally thrown “all caution to the wind” and moved forward. So here I am, ready to test my skills and do the unimaginable. 

So, why Vek and Zeal? Well, the name is actually nicknames from mine and my daughter’s gamer tags. Both of us love to game- especially Minecraft. Now, we have both used other gamer tags before, but Vekrias and ZealkSeven have become our, well, alter egos you might say. They represent what we want and who we want to be. Vekrias and ZealkSeven are fearless, crazy risk takers who fall down and get right back up. And Vekrias and ZealkSeven are taking this huge financial, mental, and physical risk to open a store. Now true, Zeal isn’t really doing much, but she does provide influence and her opinion (whether asked for it or not). And I can’t wait to have her paint some art and we sell it with all proceeds going to charity. She believes in helping others and I want to instill the idea that we help where and when we can. 

Now, I’ve been making jewelry for a long time. I have earrings and rings and bracelets all over. I have drawers full of hoarded supplies, and tools I haven’t used in years. But becoming familiar with gemstone beads, my passion has shifted. I love working with gemstone beads. They are natural, powerful, and beautiful, with perhaps just a bit of magic thrown in. They can conjure thoughts of love or happiness, bring joy, and trigger a sense of wonder. Mother Nature created these stones, and in some cases man enhanced them. But, knowing a crystal formed under intense pressures, heat, or exposure to dangerous elements and chemicals to produce such a thing of beauty inspires me to know that my exposure to risks and failures can lead to promise and hope. And we could all do with a bit of hope in these times. 

And of course I mean.. Swarovski Crystals! BLING BLING BLING!!!