5 methods to cleanse crystals

5 simple and easy methods to cleanse crystals and why you should

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Crystals, like humans, need to recharge. They naturally absorb energies all around them, letting this energy build up. It’s like us. Our environment can build up both positive and negative emotions in us until we feel like we just can’t take anymore. This is where sleep, food, self care, relaxation, or vacations come into play. Well, your favorite crystal needs its own vacation once in a while. And there are plenty of ways to recharge crystals, though care should be taken as some methods can damage more delicate crystals. Here are 5 easy ways a crystal can be recharged at home to help bring it back to a more open state.

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  1. Light
    Sunlight or moonlight can be a powerful cleanser of crystals. Sunshine and moonlight are pure sources of energy that are neutral- neither good or evil. Sunlight is made up of three distinct parts. The first part is the visible spectrum wavelengths. This is what makes us see things as well as colors. This section of sunlight is very small, like a single key on a keyboard. It’s amazing that all of the beautiful colors we see fit into such a tiny bandwidth of light. The second part is Ultraviolet. This involves a large chunk of spectrum that has wavelengths shorter than “purple” (thus ultraviolet). We can’t see these wavelengths, but we do experience them. These are the wavelengths that cause our skin to tan, or in my case burn. You’ve probably heard them called UVA and UVB radiation. It is also used as a sanitizer as UV can kill bacteria and viruses. The third part is Infrared. This involves wavelengths longer than those that make “red”. We can’t see these either, but we can feel them. This wavelength produces the heat we feel when we stand in the sun. We use Infrared as a heat source in quartz crystal based heaters.
    Moonlight is actually sunlight, which has been reflected off the greyish white surface of the moon. This is mostly visible spectrum light and only about 3% to 12% is reflected. Thus, you are still using sunlight as a source of cleansing light. Stones should be left for 2-3 days in sunshine or moonlight for a full cleanse. However, brightly colored and macrocrystalline quartz stones should be cleansed in moonlight to avoid bleaching from sunshine. A Full moon is best.
  2. Water
    Water can be used to clean harder stones such as quartz, Jasper, Agate, Labradorite, etc. Try and use a natural source such as a creek or brook. Rain water also works well. You can also use distilled or spring water. Try to avoid using tap water if treated- tap water contains chemicals to help keep it safe and drinkable for us, but can be harmful overtime to softer stones. Always use glass or a clear quartz bowl as a container, never metal or plastic.
    You can also use seawater, or created salt water. Try and use natural salts such as sea salt, though you can use table salt if needed. Again, avoid softer stones as well as jewelry with saltwater and the salt can damage them.
    Items should be soaked or left in water for about 10-15 minutes and then pay dry. It’s best to rinse saltwater or a natural source such as a stream off in clean spring or distilled water before drying.
    Stones to avoid washing include Calcite, selenite, flourite, lapis, opal, hematite. This also includes all jewelry.

  3. Other Crystals
    This requires having other crystals to use in the first place, but circling your crystal to be cleaned with neutral crystals or with crystals whose energies you want to impart can be helpful. The best crystals to use for cleansing are clear quartz and selenite. Both of these crystals have the unique property in that they don’t require cleansing themselves, and so are perfect for removing negative energies. Ways to do this are to surround your crystal, place in a glass or wooden bowl with a piece of crystal, or place on top of a crystal. Make sure they are in contact or close proximity to the cleansing crystal. I use this method with clear quartz to cleanse my crystal bracelets that I sell. You can also keep selenite and clear quartz within sight of other crystals for constant cleansing.
  4. Earth
    Bury those negative energies! Yea, I do mean this. Now, while you shouldn’t do this with crystals that are a no-no for water, burying a crystal in your yard can help by allowing Mother Earth to absorb the negative energies. Find a place you know will not be disturbed and bury your crystals just enough that they are covered. It’s best not to do this when it will rain, or if the ground is too damp or frozen. You can also use a flowerpot filled with dirt dug up from the earth as a vessel. Leave for 12-24 hours or longer if needed. Wash with cool water after. You can also do this by burying hard crystals in salt, or surrounding with a ring of salt and leaving for 24 hours.
  5. Your Third Eye
    Each of us has something called the third eye. It’s a little like a mix of intuition and soul and is located just above your eyes, mid forehead. This is where your “mind” sees. Gut feelings, deja vu, instincts can be attributed to your third eye. You can use this to flow good thoughts and energies into your crystal by meditating with the crystal in your hand in a quiet location and sending positive vibes and mantras. Imagine the crystal has a powerful white light coming from it and spreading out into the room, taking all of the negative with it. Depending on the crystal and your feelings about how much cleansing it needs 5-15 minutes should work. Do this sparingly as it does take quite a bit of our own mental energy to do this.

You should plan to recharge crystals weekly for heavily used ones, or monthly for more passive ones such as those that sit undisturbed on a shelf. Whether you use a passive cleaning such as sunshine or moonlight or a more active approach, let your cleansing routine be a positive experience for you. It can help recharge you as well.

Do you use other ways to cleanse crystals? Which method is your favorite? Drop me a comment below and tell me what you do! And don’t forget to visit my shop at Vek and Zeal for great handmade crystal gemstone bracelets so you can have your own crystals to enjoy.