Hello fabulous reader, you are looking awesome today! My name is Vek and my partner is Zeal. Now of course that isn’t our real names. Actually I’m Kelly and my partner is my 9 year old daughter, Maren. She’s really more of a silent partner, who voices her opinion when I ask for it, lol.

So where exactly did Vek and Zeal come from? Well, Vek is short for Vekrias, which is my gamer tag. It’s meaning is “One who pounded on the keyboard till a viable name appeared”. Yea, I needed a new name for an online multiplayer game I was starting to play and the tag I was using wasn’t available. So, bang on the keyboard till something I liked came up. And thus, Vekrias was born. As for Zeal, her tag is ZealkSeven, which again was another pound on the keyboard till something came up. Yea, we didn’t put a ton of thought into the names other than neither of us wanted phrases, or numbers and symbols. We wanted a very short, easy to remember tag that wasn’t likely to be used by others.

So why do I write about Crystals and mental health you might ask? Well, I’ve fallen in love with crystals. I’ve always liked the glitter and sparkle of stones. My favorite place to visit is the Gemstone exhibit at the Smithsonian Natural History museum in DC. I could spend hours in there and I’ve seen it a dozen times. The way light plays off of crystals, the patterns and movement just catches my eye. It’s my favorite bling. And I’ve recently started understanding just exactly how crystals can work on us in physical and mental ways. Crystals are used within chinese medicine and man am I a fan of acupuncture. It works for me. And now I am discovering so do crystals.

I also have three mental health disorders: Anxiety, ADHD and Bipolar type 2. But, I started getting diagnosed with them about 8 years ago. In fact as of the writing of this About Me, I’ve been officially diagnosed with bipolar for just over a year. But, reflection on my life has shown that all three have been with me for a long time. In fact, all three probably had a significant contributions to my part of the failure of my first marriage after 15 years. And now that I know these conditions exist, I can navigate my current relationship much better. I honestly haven’t been this happy in a very VERY long time.

Now I am foraying into a new chapter of my life, one I’ve been fearful to pursue for years- making my love of jewelry making and talking about topics a reality. I’ve opened my own store: VekandZeal.com and sell handmade memory wire bracelets and acrylic fluid artwork. The bracelets feed my love of crystals and jewelry and the artwork lets out the steam built up from my anxiety. My mental health struggles are reflected in my bracelets and paintings.